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Are food dyes harmful?

Modern manufacturers of confectionery products have long ago found ways to replace food coloring in their products. Synthetic additives for changing color or flavor have become an integral part of various culinary dishes, including a variety of beverages, meat and fish products. With their help, you can give the product an attractive appearance. And, it is much easier and cheaper than when using natural ingredients. Benefits from them are not observed, but the harm of food dyes from synthetic substances in many cases is proven. Although this does not stop manufacturers who benefit undoubtedly from their use.

What are the differences between natural and synthetic food colors

Natural food dyes are derived from the processing of leaves, fruits, root crops and berries. Containing organic acids, vitamins and other trace elements, they are useful in small amounts. Their content in the product is determined by the following labeling:

  • E100 – giving the product its bright yellow color, curcumin.
  • E160a is beta-carotene, which serves to create an orange hue. It is most often extracted from carrots.
  • E 160c – responsible for the red color. Red paprika extract. The benefit lies in the presence of fatty unsaturated acids and carotenoids. Using the pigment in different proportions allows you to get the desired shade in the red-orange color sector.
  • E 162 – creates red, beet shades. It is contained in the root vegetable of the same name.
    This is an incomplete list, listing only the main pigments. They have a common disadvantage – low expression of coloring characteristics. To achieve the greatest effect, chemical processing is used, which levels out all the useful qualities of the product. Thus, the benefits and harms of these substances are zero.

Now most often used dyes for industrial use, derived from non-natural ingredients. They are much easier and cheaper to obtain, and they are easier to use. And in composition and properties they are full analogues of natural products. Their popularity is due to their low cost and effectiveness. Products turn out bright and attractive. But in this case, their harmlessness is lost.

Dangerous dyes
The effect of dyes on the human body is as follows:

  • E102 – causes allergies. There is also a decrease in concentration in children, stimulates hyperactivity. This substance, tanzanine, is derived from industrial waste to produce a yellow color.
  • E104 – in addition to hyperactivity, the effects are manifested in the form of skin diseases. This chemical compound used in giving the yellow-green color to gum and lollipops is recognized as dangerous.
  • E122 is responsible for red tones. Not approved for use in many European countries. A very strong allergen.
  • E129 – Also used to produce red color. Increases hyperactivity and inhibits reaction. It is found in medicines. Derived from coal tar.
  • E132 – Causes cancer, heart problems, asthma and allergic reactions. Named indigo carmine because it produces a rich blue color.
    The list, which lists dangerous dyes, is constantly growing, so it can go on forever.

The harmful effect of dyes on the human body is not immediately determined.

This is important to know. And understand – if a certain component is not declared harmful, this does not mean that it is safe. It’s just that some potentially dangerous E dyes are not yet fully understood. As well as their effect on the human body. This is because the following algorithm for using dyes is used:

  • Development of a new substance.
  • Obtaining permits.
  • Manifestation of harmful effects on the body.
  • Substance prohibition.

This algorithm is very beneficial for manufacturers. Therefore, modern industry overwhelmingly uses artificial colors for food.

Experts recommend using only high-quality food colorings from reliable suppliers in cooking, and when buying finished products, carefully study their composition. You can not allow a critical concentration of carcinogens and other harmful elements in your body. This leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oncology, decreased concentration, hyperactivity and allergies.

How to use food coloring without harm

When buying everything for a confectioner, use the services of trusted suppliers. So you can be sure that you have purchased, for example, high-quality gel food colorings containing only substances approved for production. Use them in moderation. When choosing natural and synthetic dyes, be guided by who the confectionery products are created for. If for children, it is better to use natural ingredients. For adults, such strict restrictions may not apply. Although moderation is still important. Now it is fashionable to create enchantingly bright products, designed in the style of “pull out the eye”. It is better to refuse this. You can decorate your work in such a bright, but no less attractive way.

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