Posted on Category:Pizza

10 favorite pizza ingredients of all time

Things people like to eat people like to eat pizza. Next time, don’t puzzle over which pizza to get: join the majority!
Pizza is great because it’s quick and easy to eat, you can take it out of the box with your hands, and those boxes are brought in promptly by experienced delivery people. All in all, pizza is the perfect man’s meal. Especially since you can put anything on top of the cheese and dough, even smoked alligators or nightingale salad. So it’s surprising how conservative people are in their choice of pizza toppings. This fact was established by Foodler, a U.S.-based food service that specializes in meal delivery.

According to data from more than 12,000 restaurants in the northern hemisphere, the ten most popular toppings absolutely lead the way. And all of the other ingredients are no match for this magnificent top ten.

Number 10: Spinach
The myth that this green mush has an enormous amount of iron was created by a typographical error in one of the first mass-produced charts on healthy eating. Today, everyone knows that spinach is a rare dull plant with a modest array of vitamins and trace elements, but still people ask to put spinach on pizza, believing in its magical property to instantly make any food healthier.

9th place: pineapple.
Yep. Hawaiian pizza. What, it seems, would pineapples do on a pizza? But the wild combination has become a nationally beloved tradition.

No. 8: Sweet peppers.
Another attempt to bring healthy goodness to a grilled flatbread with cheese. It certainly tastes much more interesting than spinach.

7th place: sliced olives.
Where would you go without them! After all, pizza is a Mediterranean dish, no matter what schnitzels, pancakes and chips all sorts of savages garnish it with, and a little circle of olives is a traditional greeting from the shores of the Mediterranean.

6th place: more cheese!
Cheese and cheese pizza-what could be easier and truer? One in fifteen pizzas in the world is served with “double cheese” (and most of them are not the classic Four Cheese recipe, in which the cheese bacchanalia is justified after all).

5th Place: Bacon
Fried, cut into small squares, fragrant for a mileā€¦ Still, extremely cruel people were the founders of those religions, whose adherents should not eat bacon, so as not to enrage the heavens.

Number 4: Sausage
What is there to talk about, what is there to explain? It’s a sausage! Is there a single dish that could be spoiled by it? It would be a queen in a chocolate ice cream cone.

3rd place: Onions.
And yes, a good pizza should have onions that crunch on your teeth.

2nd place: mushrooms.
Only mushrooms, of course. Aesthetes eating black truffle pizza still don’t make the cash registers of pizzerias.

1st place: pepperoni
And in first place is sausage again! (Hello vegetarians.) But not just any plain sausage, but a very spicy one called “pepperoni” salami. The most famous pizza with it is Pizza alla diavola (“Devil’s Pizza”).

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